Palo Alto Firewalls

Palo Alto Firewalls – A Dummies Guide










Much like our busy, pot-hole ridden, roads, it is likely that in recent years, you’ve noticed an increase in the amount (and type) of traffic traversing your enterprise network.

The technology being implemented within the workplace has grown in sophistication, and in the majority of cases, is no longer signed off or even selected by IT departments. Aside from our desktop machines, there are numerous other devices, such as smartphones, tablets and netbooks for which their users require the same level of access. The applications being used by this new army of devices can carry harmful viruses, malware and other threats. So, whilst having fantastic effects on productivity and employee satisfaction,  they come with a certain degree of risk to the overall security and well being of your business network.

From these circumstances, what we see emerging is a simple benefit Vs risk scenario, in which the substantial pros of implementing web 2.0 applications within the workplace, can be offset by the level of risk they pose when not properly monitored. So what next?

There are undoubtedly a million and one places in which you could begin thinking about your network security options… but….If you are seriously concerned about this next generation of threats to your enterprise network, and are unsure where the answers might lie, help is here…

This easy to understand introduction to next-generation firewalls is a great place to start your research.  Next Generation Firewalls for Dummies will provide you with some of the key pieces of information that can help you begin a better, more informed, enquiry into updating or implementing a next-generation firewall network infrastructure. You can download your free copy here… or by going to

Ensign are always happy to discuss a solution for your specific business needs, and can even arrange a courtesy test to identify what threats, if any, there are to your network before any further action is taken.

Get in touch today